Sabtu, 29 Oktober 2016

A Model of Critical Thinking as an Important Attribute for Success in the 21st Century

I have read journal by entitled a Model of Critical Thinking as an Important Attribute for Success in the 21st Century by Slaÿana Živkoviü.  
Entering 21st century, students need to master additional subject areas, including foreign languages for preparing them in global society. The students need to be communicative, collaborative, creative, innovative, to think critically and analytically, and to be able to effectively solve real-world problems. With this in mind, it is necessity that educators should help students to become successful for future performance.
As a future teachers, we need to understand that the most important thing to realize students’ need is creating a classroom that encourages collaboration, open dialogue and an acceptance of diverse beliefs and perspectives. We give the students opportunity to openly express their opinion, encourage their thinking behaviours and attitude through effective modelling of those behaviours. For examples, they can involved in debate and dialogue activity. Further, we also need to develop instructional pedagogy with purposeful learning activities that encourage critical thinking abilities and help them to achieve their full potential. For instance, students are involved in writing and problem solving as well as higher-order thinking, such as analysis, synthesis, and evaluation.

Minggu, 23 Oktober 2016

Preparing 21st Century Students for a Global Society Through Four Cs

I have read a book From National Education Association entitled Preparing 21st Century Students For a Global Society. In this book examines about the importance of teaching by using Four Cs. This technique consists of Critical Thinking and Problem Solving, Communication, Collaboration, and Creativity and Innovation. Students need to master additional subject areas, including foreign languages, the arts, geography, science, and social studies. So that, educators must complement all of those subjects with the “Four Cs” to prepare young people for citizenship and the global workforce.

Teaching critical thinking and problem solving effectively in the classroom is vital for students. Learning critical thinking leads students to develop other skills, such as a higher level of concentration, deeper analytical abilities, and improved thought processing. Then, learning communication help students to express thoughts clearly, articulate opinions crisply, communicate instructions coherently, further motivate others through powerful speech. Thirdly, collaboration is essential in classrooms because it is inherent in the nature of how work is accomplished in our civic and workforce lives. Lastly, creativity and innovation are key drivers in the global society.

Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2016

Social norms and rules in the interaction of a bilingual classroom

Journal entitled Managing  multiple normativies  in  classroom  interaction: Student  responses  to teacher  reproaches  for  inappropriate language  choice  in  a  bilingual  classroom examines how  language  choice  is  managed  at  the  crossroads  of  social  norms  and  rules  in  the  interaction  of  a bilingual  classroom.
Educational  institutions  are interesting  sites  for  investigating  the  normative  nature  of  social  conduct  because  they  routinely  interface  the classroom  rules with social norm,  designed  to  establish  social  order  and  to  socialise  students  into  the wider  community,  and  students’  own  norms  meet. Normative  orientations  towards  language  choice  and  language  alternation  have mostly  been  studied  in  classrooms  in  which  two  or  more  languages  are  available  to  the students.  In managing the classroom, teacher involves handling relations between individual students and the classroom itself.  When teacher  indicate  that  a  student  has  breached  a  local  rule,  they  face  the  practical  task  of  identifying  the  rule-breaker. The teacher must give the right correctness and tell them to use appropriate language choice without any sarcasm. The important thing is when we teach bilingual classroom is necessary to have many references about the use of English language whether in formal and informal situations and manage well the classroom to make the students ready on using language in the society.

Sociolinguistic Perspective on Teaching English Intonation

I have read journal entitled Sociolinguistic Perspective on Teaching English Intonation for Adult Learners by Olga G. Shevchenko.  The journal shows how sociolinguistic approach with the focus on conscious control of using intonation can enhance the communicative performance of students linguistic.
Teachers present a teaching model based on appealing to senses, making students’ egos more permeate and creating favorable socio and psychological conditions to the acquisition of the second language intonation. The organized teaching of L2 should concentrate on building awareness of how pronunciation is acquired, on breaking stereotypes about different nations and on creating a friendly atmosphere where students can feel relaxed and free in expressing their emotions. To improve students’ awareness and maximize students’ skill we can integrate the cognitive, emotional and psychological perspectives in the language learning process. On having awareness of foreign language sounds and intonation students are prepared for further efforts and can control intonation because they get used to listening to a great amount of audio materials and they get used to depicting intonation contours on the paper. Finally, as a future teacher it is important to guide the students to have high motivation and create comfortable atmosphere in the class in order to make the students having well understanding of English course. 

Sabtu, 01 Oktober 2016

Internationalization of Higher Education

Journal entitled The internationalization of higher education: Perspectives on self-conceptions in teaching by Vesa Korhonen, University of Tampere, Finland and Markus Weil, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Northwestern Switzerland, Switzerland examines about the importance of internationalization of higher education in teaching and learning for university teachers.
Meeting diverse cultures and world views can be an everyday challenge for a university teacher. The teachers’ perspective is an important one if we see internationalization beyond a strategy. Teachers’ cultural competency within the classroom, especially for those who are not trained to expect cultural diversity, may generate discussions and debates around ethnocentricity. Thus, there is a clear need to make visible the influence of internationalization from the perspective of the university staff’s teaching practice and their self-conceptions. This perspective includes aims such as enhancing global skill-building and improving intercultural relations in culturally mixed classrooms.