Kamis, 22 September 2016

Multicultural Context in Language Teaching

I have read the journal about the development of the Indonesian teaching material based on multicultural context by using sociolinguistics approach at junior high school published in 2010 by Fathur Rokhman and Yuliati. I learn about the importance of teachers’ awareness, competence and creativity in developing teaching materials especially on multicultural context. As the future teacher, we need more references to understand multicultural education and need to be creative in order to produce challenging material and method, interesting and functional for the students. We are not only have duty to transfer the knowledge related to the social topics but also have responsibility to build students character and develop the society culture site. The language aspect and multicultural aspect are given balance portion with teaching material based on curriculum so that the students can explore the useful multicultural potential in the social life. Beside, based on communicative approach principles, teachers have to balance the four learning skills (reading, writing, speaking, and listening) or focused on one of the four learning skills. At last, the essence of learning is changing learners attitude from not good condition becomes better condition and improving the learners’ condition from know nothing to know something and improve it.

1 komentar:

  1. ya. students nowadays has their own mind , i mean it is little bit difficult to handle their mind. by using multicultural context, i think it could help teacher to lead the students in mastery their needs. please visit my blog on umimartian.tumblr.com . thanks
