Usually, English language learning tends to focus on vocabulary, grammar, reading, speaking, listening or writing skills. However, in the globalization era the students need to develop their cultural awareness and improve their communication skills. Communication and culture are inseparable and interconnected. Culture determines the way of communication proceeds and how people decipher the messages they get. To achieve the students’ need, teacher should create classroom that provide more opportunities for second language learners and encourage students` contact with the target language beyond scheduled lessons. The teacher can use semi-authentic and authentic materials. Using authentic sources helps to engage students in authentic cultural experiences. Sources can include films, news broadcasts, and television shows; Web sites; and photographs, magazines, newspapers, restaurant menus, travel brochures, and other printed materials. As a future teacher, I want to use the authentic materials in my classroom because it can improve the students’ motivation on learning their second language, exposure the students’ awareness and further the students can improve their communication skills.
Reference: Journal entitled Exposing students to
authentic materials as a way to increase students` language proficiency and
cultural awareness by Elena Kozhevnikova.
Hai, Iam agustiba... I think that your topic is really interesting topic, but i'm still wondering how to implement it in the indonesian classroom, because Iam still wondering what exactly you want to focus in, I mean you want to focus in indonesian cultural or western culture, and why you choose one of that culture... You still do not explained it more in your future classroom. But so far, this topic is really good,